Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"A Woman President!?"

"I think America's ready for a woman president... just not that woman." Those are the words of comedian Chris Rock during his New Year's Eve performance at Madison Square Garden. I, as an individual, totally agree with his statement. It would be great to see a woman sitting in the oval office, nobly leading her county with honor and grace, but is Hilary the one we want?

Do we really want Hilary Clinton to be the first woman president? The one that everyone will look back to when we think of a woman in the oval office? Is Hilary the best candidate? Or is America so desparate for a female president that they will settle for whoever comes their way? Just because she is a Clinton doesn't make her a good candidate either. Chris Rock stated " Being married to somebody doesn't make you good at their job." Now, Chris Rock may not be an expert on politics, but I must say that those words are very sound. So, do you as the reader agree that Hilary just might not be the best woman to lead our country, especially in this turbulent time? That is something for you to chew on.

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